
Harm ReductionHarm Reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative consequences associated with drug use.Read MoreReintegration ProgramThe primary goal of social reintegration program is to assist previously affected individuals in adjusting to life outside of the rehabilitation centres.Read MoreDrug Dependency TreatmentReachout Centre Trust offers a variety of treatment programs that can include cognitive behavioral therapy, family counseling and motivational interviewing.Read MoreAdvocacy ProgramThe Advocacy Program works with marginalized communities to help them tell their stories, strengthen their organizations, act and mobilize new support.Read More






Reachout Centre Trust

Reachout Centre Trust is a non-profit organization founded in the year 2003, our main mandate is to provide preventive and treatment services to people with substance use disorders and HIV and AIDS in the Coastal region of Kenya.


We are in a Mission

To Help The Helpless

What We Do

Our Programs

Delivering help and hope to the society.

Advocacy Program

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Harm Reduction

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Reintegration Program

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Drug Dependency Treatment

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Mission & Values

Our Mission

Reachout Centre Trust main purpose is to offer preventive and treatment services to key population, those affected by drug use, HIV/AIDS through outreach, advocacy, reintegration and sustainable livelihoods.

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In our context, poverty, drug use, and HIV necessitate a wide range of strategic responses. The framework provides an effective guideline by combining various responses such as street-based outreach programs and drop-in centers, drug treatment, job training and placement, HIV and AIDS treatment care, and support services.


Our goal is to provide comprehensive HIV prevention services to an adequate number of drug users, intimate partners, and children in Kenya, as well as to provide treatment, care, and support to people living with HIV and AIDS.



Become A Volunteer

Volunteering your time, money or energy to help others benefits not only the world, but also you.

Volunteer with us

Our goal is to provide comprehensive HIV prevention services to an adequate number of drug users, intimate partners, and children in Kenya, as well as to provide treatment, care, and support to people living with HIV and AIDS.


Become A Volunteer

Volunteering your time, money or energy to help others benefits not only the world, but also you.

Volunteer with us

Our Offices & Data Highlights

Reachout Centre Trust County Offices

The organization has centre’s in every county that offers preventive and treatment services for key population.

Data Highlights

Our Offices across Kenya

Half-way-House – Shelly Beach
Reachout Rehabilitation Centre – Likoni
Mombasa Drop-in-Centre
Kombani Drop-in-Centre – Kwale County
Voi Drop-in-Centre
Hindi Drop-in-Centre

Multiple Event & Conference

Upcoming events and conferences at Reachout Centre Trust.

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Jun 26, 2024

Sixteen Days Of Activism

Nov 25 – Dec 10, 2024

World AIDS Day

Dec 1, 2024

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Be part of a change in the World

An effort made for the happiness of others elevates us above ourselves.

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Success Stories

Reachout Centre Trust Stories

Inpatient Drug Treatment success stories.

How gender inclusivity has transformed Reachout Centre Trust

INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY 2024 International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8th, is a global day recognizing the achievements and contributions of women throughout history. It is also a day to raise awareness about gender equality and advancing for women’s rights. The celebration highlights the progress made and addresses the challenges facing women globally. INSPIRING INCLUSION This year’s theme “Inspiring Inclusion”, emphasizes the importance of fostering an environment where all women, regardless of diverse backgrounds and experiences, feel included, recognised and valued. In the current global context, it underscores the need for promoting equal opportunities, breaking down barriers, and celebrating the

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Francis Karabio Success Story at RCT Rehabilitation Centre

My name is Francis Karabio, I am 45 years old, and a resident of Changamwe, Mombasa County. I was raised by a single mother who by bad luck fell sick when I was in college in 1997 and I had to drop out to take care of her since she couldn’t walk. After ailing for a long time my mom passed away and I was left alone and without any family support. I was lured into drug use through peer pressure and depression after losing my mother who was my world. I started by using and selling bhang and later

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Ngina Lele Success Story at RCT Rehabilitation Centre

Being a drug user is a human challenge in that it is not easy for one to walk out, but it becomes more challenging when it is a woman who is indulged in the addiction. However, 34-year-old Ngina Lele, though she was once hopeless and thought she would die in the menace. She took a bold step and she was registered for methadone treatment. Ngina who could not conceive is now a mother and her son is actually in grade eight, awaiting to sit for his KCPE examinations. She is stable she makes her own progressive decision and she works

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Murad Swaleh Success Story at RCT Rehabilitation Centre

FROM ZERO TO HERO (MURAD SWALEH) I painfully remember the days when I use to sleep out in the cold at ‘Soko bovu’ area in Mwembe tayari within Mombasa central business district-CBD. My life was miserable, my parents had given up on me, I had also given up on myself and in short I was actually counting my few days in the world. I remember to have been almost all rehabilitations centres in Malindi, to Mombasa but every time my mother took me to the same rehabilitation centres I could not keep up to the conditions and I ran away

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Tsumo Khalfan Success Story at RCT Rehabilitation Centre

I am Tsumo Khalfan. I was trapped in drug menace for about 20 years, a habit that I adapted early in my high school education; in form three to be precise. I was lured into drugs by my peers. I struggled with addiction for 13 years but I was helped out by the late Murad Saad, the founder of Reachout Centre Trust back in 2004. However, I don’t want to recall whatever bedeviled me, I relapsed into drugs despite being assisted and employed by the same organization to help my peers out of the menace. The struggle was tough for

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