Integrating and decentralizing of Medically Assisted Therapy in Mombasa County.
In Integrating and decentralizing of Medically Assisted Therapy, Reachout Centre Trust in collaboration with the Department of Health and other stakeholders in Mombasa County, had a discussion on issues revolving around the continuity of decentralization of MAT services for people who inject drugs at Public Health Department Office.
[stakeholder meeting at public health board room. Photo/Tom Fondo]
The decentralization of MAT services is essential to increase the accessibility and provide comprehensive care for methadone patients. Moreover, they assure the sustainability of a HIV/AIDS prevention program by reducing the implementation cost.
[Dr. Khadija Shikey Chief Officer of Health Photo/Tom Fondo]
Speaking during the meeting that involved, NACADA, USAID-KENYA, STAWISHAPWANI, and other stakeholders at the Public Health Department Office, Dr. Khadija Shikey Chief Officer of Health, said the decentralization of MAT services should continue dispensing MAT services. “The decentralization of harm reduction and HIV-related healthcare services into community-based healthcare settings in Mombasa County will not only ease the burden of traveling cost but also help to address the widespread misconceptions about harm reduction and perceived significant challenges associated with treating people who use drugs”.
“We are fully involved in the successful recovery journeys of for People with Substance Use Disorders that’s why the department of health has been engaging other partners to make sure there is a full implementation of these services,” said the Dr. Khadija Shikey Chief Officer of Health