Health, Support, Therapy

Access to Medical Assisted Therapy and Treatment during election period.

Reachout Centre will remain on the frontline to make sure there is Supportive, Caring Harm Reduction-based approaches to problematic Drug use that save lives.

Through the support from working partners, Reachout Centre Trust has been able to provide comprehensive care and medication to people with substance use disorders who are under the medically assisted therapy during the election period.

Decentralization of Harm Reduction services to different parts of Mombasa County, has played a key role in ensuring people with substance use disorders, from various location have full access to their daily dose and medication.

[Psychosocial support forum. Photo/Tedd kalama

Through the Drop Inn Centre located at Old-town, Mombasa County. Reachout Centre Trust provided daily medication to people with substance use disorders and also psychosocial support for the beneficiaries who visited the Centre.

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